Confirmed Plenary Speakers
- Dr. Bernard Bigot, ITER Organization, France - "ITER Assembly Phase: Progress Toward First Plasma"
- Dr. Johannes P. Schwemmer, Fusion for Energy (F4E), Spain - "Fusion for Energy progress report"
- Dr. Tony Donne, EUROfusion, Germany - "Challenges and progress on the path towards fusion energy"
- Dr. Gianfranco Federici, EUROfusion, Germany - DEMO Programme in Europe
- Dr. Wojciech Krolas, Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Poland - "IFMIF-DONES fusion-oriented neutron source: present design status"
- Dr. Enrico Di Pietro, Fusion for Energy (F4E), Spain - "JT-60SA toward first plasma"
- Dr. Delong Luo, China International Nuclear Fusion Energy Program Execution Center (ITER China Domestic Agency), China - "China's Magnetic Confinement Fusion (MCF) Research and Development"
- Dr. Michael Endler, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Germany - "Wendelstein 7-X on the path to long-pulse high-performance operation"
- Dr. Hartmut Zohm, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Germany - "The EU Strategy for solving the DEMO Exhaust Problem"
- Dr. Herve Dzitko, Fusion for Energy (F4E), Spain - "Status and future developments of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)"
- Dr. Michael Gorley, UK Atomic Energy Authority, UK - "DEMO structural materials qualification and development”
- Dr. Roberto Ambrosino, University of Naples Federico II - consortium CREATE, Italy - ''DTT - Divertor Tokamak Test facility: a testbed for DEMO''
Confirmed Invited Speakers
- Dr. Mario Pillon, ENEA, Frascati, Italy - "Measurement of the 16,17O(n,p)16,17N cross sections for validating the Water Activation Experiment for ITER at the Frascati Neutron Generator"
- Dr. Petr Vondracek, IPP Prague, Czech Republic - "COMPASS Upgrade status and future plans"
- Dr. Chuanren Wu, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany - "Basic design considerations for a frequency-tunable ECRH system to suppress NTMs in DEMO"
- Dr. Vanni Toigo, Consorzio RFX, Padua, Italy - "On the road to ITER HNBs: SPIDER improvement after first operation and MITICA 1MV integrated power test"
- Dr. Filip Janky, IPP Garching, Germany - "DEMO Plasma control needs"
- Dr. Larry Baylor, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA - "Progress in plasma disruption mitigation"
- Dr. Nuno Cruz, IST, Lisbon, Portugal - "Advanced high-performance processing tools for diagnostics and control in fusion devices"
- Dr. Matthew Carr, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, Abingdon, UK - "Raysect and CHERAB ray tracing frameworks for fusion diagnostic forward modelling"
- Dr. Ivan Duran, IPP Prague, Czech Republic - "Magnetic diagnostic for future fusion devices"
- Dr. Michael Wolf, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany - "High-Temperature Superconductors for fusion applications"
- Dr. Miroslav Zlobinski, FZJ, Germany - "Development of a laser-based diagnostic for in-situ monitoring of fuel retention: from laboratory via JET towards ITER"
- Dr. Hans van Eck, DIFFER, Eindhoven, The Netherlands - "ITER PFC testing on Magnum PSI"
- Dr. Alex Grosjean, CEA, Institute for Research on Fusion by Magnetic confinement, Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance, France - "Impact of Misalignments on ITER-like Plasma Facing Components in WEST Tokamak"
- Dr. Oliver Crofts, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, Abingdon, UK - "DEMO RH overview"
- Dr. Jens Reich, ITER, France - "ITER remote handling"
- Dr. Carlos Moreno, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain - "Tritium control strategy in the breeding blanket concepts"
- Dr. Chiara Mistrangelo, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany - "The MHD design for the liquid breeder blankets: code development, validation and major design issues"
- Dr. Marigrazia Moscardini, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy - "Discrete Element Analysis to characterize the thermo-mechanical behavior of fusion pebble beds"
- Dr. Takumi Chikada, Shizuoka University, Japan - "Advances in tritium permeation barrier research: An overview"
- Dr. Lorenzo Malerba , CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain - "Cross-cutting aspects of fusion materials development"
- Dr. Heiko Neuberger, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany - "Advances in additive manufacturing of fusion materials"
- Dr. Robert Vale, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, UK - "Overview of current waste strategy for a European DEMO fusion reactor"
- Dr. Chiara Bustreo, Consorzio RFX, Padova, Italy - "Role of fusion in energy future"